Hey there! Iā€™m Sandi Pratama, a Product Manager and Designer.

<aside> šŸ“ Based on Bandung, Indonesia. Open to remote work.


About me

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Hello šŸ‘‹

My name is Sandi Pratama, but I am mostly known as XieSandi, a Product Manager and Product Designer who mostly works on gamification products.

I have a generalization type of skillset and currently working on the Product Management and Design area for a T-shaped specialization. My expertise area focused on User Research, Product Planning, and Product Testing (User Acceptance Test and Usability Test)

<aside> šŸ¤” Need to know more about me?


<aside> šŸ’” The "WIP" tag below means that the documentation on this website has not been completed




<aside> šŸ’” The "WIP" tag above means that the documentation on this web has not been completed


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About me (Resume)

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